Tuesday, 6 September 2011

A Study on 'TYPE'

Typology is the very embodiment of conceptual thinking: it isolates similarities from the flux of reality in order to make purified clusters of these similarities suitable for manipulation.’

‘Design too often…closing off the true depth of typicality’ focuses on the traditional form of the space instead of its potential usage or functions, cutting off potential growth in creativity of ideas. These spaces are designed for humans yet human related situation are not included or fully considered, the physicality of the place lacks potential for enabling human situations and many different possibilities are left unexplored.

‘Dwelling, properly understood, is more profound than the efficient or attractive accommodation of a lifestyle – it comprises orientation in reality.’

‘The principal difference between typology and typicality is that the former concentrates upon [architectural] objects, the latter upon human situations.’

’Language does not occur by itself or in a void, but is the most important means by which human freedom is embedded in a deep structure of claims or dependencies (typicalities)… recognition implies the universality of the one world of which we are all part, the ultimate dimension of typicality.’

‘We are obliged to acknowledge that any proper understanding of context exhibits the depth-structure of typicalities. It is precisely this depth structure that is ‘flattened’ to a single horizon of representation when architecture is reduced to form and space and then even further to information.’

This compression of information suppresses certain qualities which are considered to be ‘minor’ components which have minimum effect on human behavior. These qualities are however still necessary for a fully functioning being, it just might be that over time the protagonists themselves too have forgotten these necessities and have unconsciously suppressed them as well. In order to aid people to start realizing these qualities again the designer must incorporate components in their design which can trigger similar information on a different level and thus start a chain/web exchanging information up and down the strata. On the other hand, this triggering web grants people the authority to choose which door they want to open and whether or not the triggered information is useful to them or not.

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