Friday, 9 September 2011


‘Collaborative development of projects… is fundamental to architectural practice and discourse…The act of gathering around these new, parametric tools inflects this long-established norm with fresh capabilities. Relationships between the various parties works…like an open-source environment, where both practices and the software itself co-evolve through mutual feedback.’

‘When these cultural dimensions are understood to be part of the composition and working structure of an organization, it becomes more like an organism: a living, dynamic, metastable entity that needs to engaged with as such...The more established the assemblage or the more history it has, the more it tends to be held together by an internally held set of refrains: commonly held assumptions, behavioral habits and other glue-like patterns. But there is no such thing as a stable assemblage. At best, it is metastable – in a state of constant internal agitation, tension or resonance, able to respond and ready to jump.’

In order for architecture or that of any practice to grow the exchange of information must take place. Gathering and sharing personal knowledge enables new insights from different perspectives such will trigger new innovations and design ideas. One must be selfless in this process and not claim anything to be ‘purely’ their own and must admit that everything is part of a chain of activities/procedures. An organization should encourage constant interaction between its members to reduce the possibility of conflicts to a minimum.
In this open environment established through mutual trust and history, people will be able to selectively trade or take information which they pursue and others will anticipate the outcomes of the different combination of information when inputted back into the ‘market’. Efficiency of the organization should rise exponentially when people are more familiar with their environments/ when a larger goal is being presented. Cooperation will come naturally in this space and knowledge of specialized of fields will expand.
Moreover, every person is a collection of things: memories, attitudes, influences, families, friends, backgrounds, culture etc, in order to understand a person you cannot separate the different fragments of them and study them isolated because one is always under the influence and influencing another. As such the organization cannot function on its separate departments but must work collectively. When an organization is taken apart its parts are in different shapes molded through this collective process more apt to working with its familiar surroundings and thus to isolate it/banish it new ‘cells’ would need to grow to merge the organization into a whole.

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