Sunday, 9 October 2011

S2 Crit-8

here is a perspective drawing looking from the inside corner towards the door.
I have added huge tables down this end for experimental work and collaborative cooperation.

Two alterations are presented here with the different heights of the glass. the lower shatters the sense of isolation and perhaps is more suited for an office space. Or alternatively, it could be an electrical device where if in need you can choose to raise up your glass surrounding your bay if you do need privacy.   

S2 Crit-7

Here is the finished interior of the studio space-or maybe the first alteration depending on how much time I can squeeze out.

there are 3 individual bays for computer use and a long table for technical drawing and collaboration with an isle down the middle. The back of the studio will become a relaxing space or an artistic section where the people working can bounce ideas off each other openly.

The tall glass is a bit cold and too rigid for a studio space...

Saturday, 8 October 2011

S2 Crit-6

I have started to consider and change the interior materials of the studio space so that it feels less alien with the concrete panels, cold and harsh.

The wooden interior is very professional but too much colour inside the studio space might be distracting.

Below i have added the sliding door and a solid concrete door for the office so that it gives privacy and security for the designers.The materials are a reflective marble grounding and painted walls with the white roofing which enhances the lighting.

Friday, 7 October 2011

S2 Crit-5

Stairs has been added to the building parallel to the gallery, it can allow access for the public as part of the experience of 'gifting' but it will have an access door which only allows the office staff to access.

Again the pattern is kept and a strong recognition of material quality is presented

Thursday, 6 October 2011

S2 Crit-4

Two night views of the building, it gives off a nice radiance of soft blue light mimicking and echoing the ocean beside it. Just like Gaudi's Casa Mila echoed the shape of waves in the nearby ocean I too have incorporated native characteristics.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

S2 Crit-3

trying to take away the huge glass roofing so there is less glass and the tinted blue for the studio space.

accessibility for the studio space will also need consideration- has not yet been resolved.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

S2 crit-2

an interior look from the north end of the building - strong protective shelter will need to be added here on both levels due to its directional relationship to the ocean.

Showing the amount of sunlight penetration through the thick glass-creates a blue tinted effect-suitable for the gallery area but not so much for the studio space up and above, because it might interfere with the designers' thoughts.

Monday, 3 October 2011

S2 Crit-1

For this final crit of the year we were given a new brief asking us to combine our gathering and gifting projects whilst adding the element and attention to 'grounding' to transform our building into an 'architectural wonder'

For me this meant a lot of work, because I still had open spaces in my building which did not seal the inside and protect it from harsh weather or environmental issues.

Therefore my first priority was to consider all the environmental issues of the site: weather, sunlight, glaring, wind direction due to its close range to the ocean, noise and safety, shade, accessibility and interior layout.

I went on first to modify my flat roof made purely of glass to start considering about the structural elements which supports the structure and starting considering slopes to fit in with the rest of the patterning.